America’s animal shelters couldn’t survive without your help.

  1. Donate to your local animal shelter
    The single most important thing you can do is support your local animal shelter. Use our database of shelters to find one near you.
  2. Join our campaign
    Help us spread the word about the importance of supporting local animal shelters. You can join our Facebook page, sign up for our email list, or send the information along to your friends.
  3. Adopt a pet
    Every day, thousands of pets find themselves without a home. Shelters provide an important service, but it is only a temporary stop.
  4. Volunteer at a shelter
    Animal shelters are almost always looking for help. From walking dogs and playing with cats, to helping with adoption events and raising money, many shelters will accept any help they can get.
  5. Encourage your friends to give locally
    Giving locally is the best way to make sure your donation really does help the animals you want to help.